Sheriff encourages school bus safety for students and motorists
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Sheriff encourages school bus safety for students and motorists

Oct 17, 2023

CHEBOYGAN COUNTY — As the start of another school year approaches, Cheboygan County Sheriff Tim Cook encourages caution whenever school buses are present.

“We are asking the parents to talk to their children and go over school bus safety rules with them,” said Cook. “It is important children know when to get on and off a bus, look for cars and how to cross a street.”

Cook also advises parents to follow rules at their child’s school regarding pick-up and drop-off.

“The schools all have rules for picking up and dropping off students and it is important to abide by those rules to ensure everyone’s safety,” he said.

For students, Cook offered some safety tips to keep in mind:

Cook also reminded motorists of some bus safety rules:

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Cook noted there have been incidents where a vehicle disregarded the school bus red lights, putting students in danger.

"Our bus drivers are vigilant and care about the safety of the children in their care,” he said. “When they report a violation, we investigate it and take appropriate action. There is no excuse for disobeying a bus signal."

— Contact Jillian Fellows at [email protected].
